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Enero 1, 1964
Enero 1, 1964

In Loving Memory Of my only Son

and my youngest child,




Jamie was born on January 23, 1964. He weighed 8 lbs. and was 21 inches long. Lots of black hair, a rose bud mouth, and beautiful green eyes.  He was just too pretty to be a boy.  But when he got some age on him he was very much of a boy.

The day that he was killed  in a 1 car accident I thought I was going to die. When his friend came to the door without him, I knew instantly that something was very wrong. My husband, Chuck, went to the door, and when he came back, I knew by the look on his face that Jamie was dead. All I could do was scream & scream that it couldn`t be true, although I knew it was true in my head but not in my heart.

There had been a rain storm. Jamie had a blow out on a front tire, he went off the road, over corrected, and hit a big pine tree. He died instantly. This is what I was told. The accident happened on Dec 3, 2002.  He would have been 39 years old on Jan 23, 2003. Much to young to Die. Life doesn`t seem fair some times.

I went thru the process of making his arrangments.  I would never have made it without Judy and Jamie-leigh.  Through all these years Judy has always been right there when I needed anything or just a shoulder to cry on. Judy is more like my daughter. I knew she and Jamie-leigh were crushed, also, but they stayed near in case I needed anything. I don`t remember much & don`t know how long I stayed in that fog. I know it has left a Big Hole in my heart & my life. We were raising Baby James, Jamie`s son, by  time of Jamie`s accident. He was only in pre-K.  Judy is not little James` mom,  but she loves him like one of her own.

The day before my Jamie got killed, my youngest brother was in a nursing home dying  of stomach cancer. I had gone to meet with the funeral directer to make pre- arrangments for my brother. I  had been staying with him in the nursing home. He had made the statment to me that he didn`t want to die alone.

I will continue to add to Jamie`s story as I am able.  It is extremely difficult, even after almost six years, for me to talk about it.

After Jamie`s funeral I continued staying with my brother until he passed away on Feb.12, 2003.  At the same time we had also started court preceedings to get custody of Jamie`s son, James Britt lll, or Baby James, as we all called him.  That was finalized in the middle of June. I was too busy to mourn my son for awhile.  Having the care of Little James has helped some, but he will never take the place of his Dad in my heart. He has his own Special Place in our life. It was so sad for him to lose his dad then for him to lose his sister, also. The  little guy has been through a lot.  He is now 10 years old and quite the little Man.

Jamie is survived by his wife, Judy Britt.  He has 2 sons, Michael Coleson & James Britt lll. He had one daughter, Jamie-leigh Britt who died May 22, 2006.  Jamie also has two of the most adorable grandchildren, ever.  They are Jaden Michelle & Jake Coleson.He is  also survived by his mother, Maxine, & his step-father, Chuck Erderly,  & his father James Britt, Sr. & his wife, Donna. Jamie has one surviving sister, Vickie Jacks.  He also had a sister, Julie Renee`, who preceeded him in death.  He is survived also by several step-children and step-grandchildren that he loved very much, and in turn they loved him.

This terrible journey is never over.  A person has to keeping trudging till this life is over and we are with our Loved Ones once again.

Jamie was his own person. He did not have a Father figure in his young years. I married his step-dad when he was almost 14 years old.  He resented that at first, but before it was over Chuck was the only Father figure he ever had.  Jamie knew that we were always there for him when things got really tough.

I Loved him dearly and I know that he loved me. I still miss his phone calls on holidays, Mothers day and my Birthday. He may not make it by but he always called.

I always thought of Jamie as my "Werewolf Baby", because it never failed, if there was a full moon & there was going to be any boyhood devilment going on, he was usually in the middle of it. This was our full moon routine: Between 6 P.M. & 9 P.M. he would call and say " Just thinking of you so thought I would call & tell you that I love you and that you don`t have to worry about me."  I would tell him I loved him too. Then somewhere around 2 or 3 A.M. the phone would ring & he would`ve been in a wreck, or a fight, or was trying to keep from getting into one.  He would say, "Mom come get me".  He wasn`t the perfect Angel Son.  But he was the way he was and he was good enough for me. I loved him with every beat of my heart and I still do. I know I will see him some day when God is ready. He was so very special to me, and I love him so very much.

Enero 23, 1964