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PatrickJay*Grd Mama
It's o.k Little prince.I want to go home 2.I can see it in ur eyes,I can hear it in ur cries.Can u see it in me 2?(Mattie St)
Dessa Joseph's mom
A memory is a keepsake of time that lives forever in the heart. Happy Mother’s day with much love
Tammy K. ~ Good morning to you
And to your family precious angel. Please send down Mother's Day hugs & kisses 2 your sweet Mom. ♥
patrickjay-clark*Grd Mama
*JAMIE*May you shower from heaven your Mom with blessings & peace for Mother's Day.
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
We were up in the heavens watering the earth below,washing away the sadness that grows from anger & fear.(Mattie Stepanek)
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
Be silent 4 a moment...before we forever lose the blessings of songs that grow in our hearts.(Mattie Stepanek)*JAMIE*
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
Be for a moment kind & gentle,innocent & trusting like children & lambs never judging or vengeful.(Mattie Stepanek)
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
As God calls us one by one,the broken chain will link again.(I'll be gone till Monday.Stay safe)
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
To sense the presence of an angel*JAMIE*is like feeling the wind all around us.We know u are there without seeing u
PatrickJay*grd Mama
*JAMIE*angel of light,u reflect the magnificence of heaven,the spectacular home that God has prepared for all who love him.
*JAMIE*angel of perfect delight,bring from above,echoes of mercy,whispers of love.
Tammy K. ~ Good morning to you
& to your loving family. You will forever live on in the hearts that so dearly love and miss you precious angel. XOXOXO
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